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USG Boral Factory (Phase 2) - Reecons Engineering


USG Boral Factory (Phase 2)


Location: Hiep Phuoc IP, Nha Be, Vietnam, Vietnam
Scale: 4,530 sqm.
Client: USG Boral Vietnam
Scope of Services: Full MEP installation
Construction period: 04 months


USG Boral started operations in Vietnam in 2005 and is the first foreign company with plasterboard manufacturing facilities in Vietnam. Located in Hiep Phuoc Industrial Zone, USG Boral’s factory supplies an extensive selection of building materials to various target audiences in Vietnam.

In late 2020, due to the demand for production, USG decided to expand their factory with phase 2. Reecons was awarded the full MEP installation package, under the main contractor TTCL. The project is complete after 4 months and catches the project planning, despite the difficulty under COVID-19 situation, a long holiday during Lunar New Year.


Sacombank Data Center
AB Argi Vietnam Factory
Future World Retail Store
Detmold Packaging Vietnam Factory
Denis Canning Vietnam Factory
Mapltree Logistic Park (Phase 4)
Riken Technos Vietnam Factory
Vinagame Data Center
Universal Alloy Corporation Vietnam Factory
Jakob Factory Expansion

Trusted by international firms and partners 

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