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Emivest Feedmill First Factory in Vietnam - Reecons Engineering


Emivest Feedmill First Factory in Vietnam


Location: Tien Giang, Vietnam
Scale: 48,680 sqm.
Client: Emivest Feedmill Vietnam Company Limited
Scope of Services: M&E Installation
Construction period: 03 months


Emivest Vietnam Co. Ltd. is a member of Emivest Berhard Group (Malaysia) with 100% foreign ownership. Emivest Feedmill Vietnam Co. Ltd started its operation on March 25, 2011, with total investment capital up to approximately 20 million USD.

Their products consist of the full range of feed for pigs, broiler, colorful birds, village birds, layers, ducks, quail… Emivest Vietnam Co. Ltd. has specialized in DOC, broiler, and layer production and has directly imported genetics from countries such as the USA, England, and France. Reecons was awarded the Mechanical and Electrical installation package under Cogniplus Main Contractor.


Onsemi Factory Renovation
XP Power Vietnam Factory (Phase 2)
AB Argi Vietnam Factory
Hayat Kimya first production line in Vietnam
USG Boral Factory (Phase 2)
Levi's Retail Stores
Backer Heating Vietnam Factory
Jakob Factory Expansion
Makino Technical Centre
Boustead Ready Built Factories (Phase 1)

Trusted by international firms and partners 

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